17 Fun Facts about Bamboo...#11 Will Surprise You!

Bamboo is one of the most fascinating plants on the planet. It's strong, durable, and grows incredibly fast. But there are a lot of things you may not know about bamboo. For example, did you know that...bamboo can be used to make paper? Check out these 17 fun facts about bamboo and see if you learn something new! #11 will definitely surprise you!

1. Bamboo is not a tree, it is grass, and the world’s tallest grass, at that—it can grow up to 100 feet tall!

2. There are over 1,000 species of bamboo, in all shapes and sizes.

3. The world's record for the fastest growing plant belongs to bamboo—it can grow up to four feet in a single day.

4. Bamboo can be used to make paper, furniture, clothing, charcoal, musical instruments, and in fact, it's been used to build bridges and houses in Asia for centuries.

5. Bamboo is stronger than steel and it has been known to withstand hurricanes and earthquakes.

6. Bamboo is an environmentally friendly material as it requires no pesticides or fertilizers to grow and it can be harvested without harming the plant.

7. Bamboo is naturally anti-microbial and anti-fungal.

8. Bamboo is 100% biodegradable.

9. Bamboo is the national plant of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Vietnam

10. Bamboo can be used to make paper, furniture, clothing, and even houses.

11. Bamboo can absorb five times more carbon dioxide than trees can.

12. Bamboo produces more oxygen than trees do – making it perfect for use in air purifiers.

13. Bamboo can help prevent soil erosion.

14. Bamboo only flowers every 50-100 years. When it does flower, the entire species flowers at the same time, regardless of location. Then, all the plants of that species die.

15. Bamboo is an excellent alternative to wood. It's just as strong and durable, but it grows much faster—which makes one of the most sustainable resources on the planet.

16. The leaves of some types of bamboo can be eaten—and they're actually quite nutritious! They're a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium.

17. Contrary to popular belief, pandas do not live on a diet of bamboo. They actually only eat the leaves of certain types of bamboo—and they eat a lot of them! An adult panda can eat up to 40 pounds of bamboo leaves in a single day.

Bamboo is a great plant to have around, and it's even better when you know all of its cool facts. With this knowledge, you can educate your friends and family about bamboo and maybe even start using it more in your own life. Thanks for reading!