Weighing In: Here’s How to Make Sure Your Little One Is Growing On Track — From Home!

It’s important to monitor your baby’s growth and development. One way to do this is by weighing your baby regularly. Weighing a baby can seem intimidating, especially if you don’t have a scale for babies at home. But don’t worry, there are several ways you can weigh your baby accurately at home. Let’s look at some of the options available.

Use an Adult Scale with a Weighted Blanket

One of the easiest ways to weigh your baby at home is to use an adult size scale and a weighted blanket or towel. You will need two people for this method—one to hold the baby and one to read the scale. Place the blanket on the scale and zero it out so that it reads “0” when there is nothing on it. Then, have one person hold the baby while the other carefully places them onto the blanket on top of the scale. The reading on the scale should be your exact measurement of your baby's weight.

Use an Infant Car Seat Scale

An infant car seat scale is designed specifically for weighing babies and toddlers up to 30 pounds (13 kg). These scales are lightweight and easy to use with just one person required for measuring—simply place your child in their car seat and lift onto the scale until it reads “0” again after subtracting their weight from whatever was on there before they got in. While this method isn't as accurate as using an adult scale, it's still useful for checking if your child has gained or lost any significant amounts of weight since their last checkup or doctor visit.

Use a Digital Bathroom Scale

If you don't have access to a special infant car seat scale, consider using two sets of eyes and hands! Find yourself an extra pair for this easy but important task. One person can hold the baby in a safe upright position while another reads aloud from the digital bathroom scales display panel with arms stretched above their head—ensuring accurate results every time! Take turns holding and reading so any discrepancies are easily identified by comparing each other's measurements.

Weighing your baby at home doesn't have to be complicated or intimidating! With these three methods, you can easily get accurate measurements of how much your little one weighs without ever having to leave home! Be sure to keep track of any changes over time, as well as contact your pediatrician if you notice drastic changes that could indicate health issues or other concerns. Taking regular measurements is key in monitoring our children's growth and development—so why not make it easier with these helpful tips?