Being a bridesmaid can be an exciting experience. After all, you get to celebrate your friend's special day with her as she begins her new life. But sometimes the experience can be a bit...overwhelming. If you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being the bridesmaid to a bridezilla, fear not! We have compiled these great tips that will help you survive the wedding planning process while maintaining your friendship with the bride.

  1. Always remember that no matter how much of a bridezilla your friend is being right now, it's not her true nature. The bride is under a lot of stress and she might not be acting like herself. It's just the stress and worry of planning a wedding getting to her. Try to be understanding and not take anything she says too personally—she'll thank you for it later!
  2. Remember that you are not the one getting married. This is not your day.
  3. Take a deep breath. It’s going to be ok. Take advantage of any free time you might have during the planning process (or make some free time if necessary!). Relaxation is essential for keeping your sanity when dealing with any sort of stressful situation, let alone one involving a bridezilla! Even if it's just taking five minutes out of your day to meditate or watch some funny YouTube videos, do something that makes you laugh and relaxes you at least once per day.
  4. Don't forget about yourself in all of this! You're important too—you don't want to be so focused on making sure everything is perfect for the bride that you forget about what YOU need from this experience as well. Set boundaries and stick to them; don't let yourself become overwhelmed by someone else's stress and anxiety over their big day.
  5. Try to stay calm and positive, even if the bride is being a total nightmare.
  6. If worst comes to worst and you can’t take it anymore, politely excuse yourself and take a break. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, call a friend – do whatever you need to do to de-stress.
  7. Communication is key when dealing with any kind of relationship—and this includes friendships! Make sure to talk openly and honestly with your friend about how you're feeling throughout the entire process; don't be afraid to tell her if something isn't working for you or if something needs to be changed in order for everyone involved (including yourself) to stay happy and sane.
  8. If the bride starts to freak out, offer to help her with whatever she’s stressing about.
  9. Don’t forget why she asked you in the first place – because she loves you! Whether it’s helping her pick out decorations, going dress shopping together or just providing moral support through all of the chaos - remember that none of this would even be happening without her love and trust in you as a friend! So take some time every now and then (even if it’s just 5 minutes!) to appreciate that bond between friends – because that’s what really matters most in all of this madness anyway :)
  10. Be prepared to spend a lot of money. Weddings are expensive!
  11. Be prepared to spend a lot of time on wedding-related activities. This is not the time to start a new hobby or commit to anything else outside of being a bridesmaid.
  12. Remember that this is just one day and it will eventually be over.
  13. When all else fails, just fake it ‘til you make it!

When the stress of being a bridesmaid starts to get overwhelming, just remember why your bride chose you in the first place—your special relationship! Everything that comes with weddings can be exciting, but it is important to recognize how tough it can be. Stay organized and don't forget to take care of yourself—take time for some self-care activities so the ride isn't too bumpy.

Whether its attending fittings, prepping for the bridal shower or bachelorette party, or simply listening to your bride's needs, you’re sure to make her big day as magical as possible. Your friendship might even make this entire experience an enjoyable one! Best of luck to all bridesmaids out there; we believe you can do it!