If you have seen the classic holiday movie “A Christmas Story,” you know about the iconic leg lamp. This lamp is featured prominently throughout the film and is a source of some of its most memorable quotes. We’ve rounded up some of the best quotes from this beloved film for your reading pleasure!

  1. "Oh, fuuudge."
    -Ralphie Parker, after his father dropped the F-bomb in front of him
  2. "Oh, fuuudge."
    -Ralphie Parker, after his mother catches him swearing
  3. "You'll shoot your eye out, kid."
    -Ralphie's mother, when he asks for a BB gun for Christmas
  4. "I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!"
    -Ralphie Parker, when asked what he wants for Christmas
  5. "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine. A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch! I hate it!"
    -Ralphie's father, after being force-fed a commercial for Ovaltine
  6. "I triple dog dare ya!"
    -Flick, daring Ralphie to stick his tongue to a frozen flagpole
  7. "Ohhh, it's beautiful."
    -Ralphie's father, upon seeing the leg lamp for the first time
  8. "That lamp is definitely bound for the dump."
    -Ralphie's mother, upon seeing the leg lamp for the first time
  9. "It's beautiful! It's exquisite! It's...indescribable!"
    -Ralphie's father, upon seeing the leg lamp for the first time
  10. "It looks like a woman's leg."
    -Ralphie's sister, upon seeing the leg lamp for the first time
  11. "It is a woman's leg...and I'm not supposed to look at it."
    -Ralphie Parker, upon seeing the leg lamp for the first time
  12. " Fra-gee-lay. That must be Italian."
    -Ralphie's father, upon reading the box the leg lamp came in
  13. "Ohhh...fuuudge."
    -Ralphie Parker, after his father breaks the leg off the lamp
  14. "Ohhhh fuuuuudge."                                                                                                          -Ralphie again, this time after getting soap in his mouth

The leg lamp in “A Christmas Story” has become an iconic symbol for many fans of this classic holiday movie. Its unique design and offbeat quotes have made it one of the most recognizable aspects of this beloved film. Whether you are just seeing “A Christmas Story” for the first time or are a longtime fan, take some time to appreciate these witty lines from one of cinema’s most memorable characters!

No matter what kind of gift you receive this holiday season, don't forget to give it your own special stamp with these hilarious quotes from A Christmas Story Leg Lamp. Whether you're looking for something witty to say or just need some classic holiday cheer, these quotes are sure to bring some joy into your family gatherings and festive parties this year. So go ahead and spread some cheer this season with these timeless classics!